I had a hot date last night! We went to dinner and to see the movie Fireproof with some friends. A church in Georgia, I believe, produced, directed, and starred in this movie. They also made the movie Facing the Giants a couple of years ago. Both were good, but you can tell that they have learned a lot from the first movie. Fireproof was very good. I highly recommend it, especially since it's run depends on how many people go to see it. It's about a fireman whose marriage is unravelling. I won't give it away, but there were many misty eyes in the theater. It was so much fun to go out with friends and relax together. This time of year we tend to go in different directions with all of the activities. Taking that time together was a gift.
It has rained here since Thursday, so Ben's and Peter's games were cancelled for today. I don't know what we will do with a free day. Sam has been wanting to go spend his birthday money, so maybe we can do that. Chris had to go to work for his hour today, and Ben and Sam are at friends' houses, so the morning is quiet. Slow mornings are a true blessing!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
To Work or not to Work
This has been an ongoing struggle for me. Do I work (at whatever) or do I stay home (kind of a joke since I'm rarely here). For many years I have sensed God's call to be at home and take care of things here, but so many years other things have come across my path that just seemed too good to pass up. I taught history at a private school, was involved with various church things, and lately, subbed at the high school. Last year I subbed off and on and then did a long-term position for 10 weeks. I loved it--mostly. One of the things that I didn't love was not being here to get the younger 3 off to school. Another was that time home to get the house in order before everyone got home. My dilemma is the pull I feel. I did well at school. I got to know and love the teachers and students. I fit in with the department, and even had the head write a recommendation for me to get a full-time position there. I was lauded and paid for the work I did there.
At home, there is not any real lauding going on, nor is there pay (well, intangible, but not cash). I had planned on subbing this year after God made it abundantly clear that I didn't need a full time job right now. But this month, as school started, I felt that I needed to be home completely, not even subbing occasionally. At this point it is a matter of obedience to what I know God is saying. How do I know? Well, He keeps confirming it over and over again--things I hear, books I come across, sermons even. It's evident that I need to tell them no. And it can't just be a "no" when they call, it has to be a "call them and tell them that you won't be subbing" kind of thing. I had told the elementary school that already. That wasn't hard. I didn't really like subbing at the elementary school--no breaks and lots of "herding cats." But I was procrastinating calling the high school. I like the high school. The women who call subs are becoming my friends. They need me there.
I had determined, after being reminded yet again on Sunday that God has other plans for my time, that this week I would call the high school to tell them my bad news. I got a call on Tuesday morning. The woman for whom I long-termed last year needs to take time off. Her baby is very sick. Did I want to do the long-term sub job for her? I know that chances are good that she won't be able to come back. Her daughter is very sick. This could lead into a full-time position where I want to be. I said no. Right after that, I read the verses for the day that I read each day. One of them was, "The Lord your God is testing you in this to see if you love the Lord your God." I knew that, but it was good to have it affirmed. The school will find someone perfectly capable to fill that position, but Peter won't find another mommy to get him ready for school in the morning. Maybe I'll get it this time!
At home, there is not any real lauding going on, nor is there pay (well, intangible, but not cash). I had planned on subbing this year after God made it abundantly clear that I didn't need a full time job right now. But this month, as school started, I felt that I needed to be home completely, not even subbing occasionally. At this point it is a matter of obedience to what I know God is saying. How do I know? Well, He keeps confirming it over and over again--things I hear, books I come across, sermons even. It's evident that I need to tell them no. And it can't just be a "no" when they call, it has to be a "call them and tell them that you won't be subbing" kind of thing. I had told the elementary school that already. That wasn't hard. I didn't really like subbing at the elementary school--no breaks and lots of "herding cats." But I was procrastinating calling the high school. I like the high school. The women who call subs are becoming my friends. They need me there.
I had determined, after being reminded yet again on Sunday that God has other plans for my time, that this week I would call the high school to tell them my bad news. I got a call on Tuesday morning. The woman for whom I long-termed last year needs to take time off. Her baby is very sick. Did I want to do the long-term sub job for her? I know that chances are good that she won't be able to come back. Her daughter is very sick. This could lead into a full-time position where I want to be. I said no. Right after that, I read the verses for the day that I read each day. One of them was, "The Lord your God is testing you in this to see if you love the Lord your God." I knew that, but it was good to have it affirmed. The school will find someone perfectly capable to fill that position, but Peter won't find another mommy to get him ready for school in the morning. Maybe I'll get it this time!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Time for Blogging
The bad things about dating a blog is that you then know exactly how long it has been since you have blogged! I was supposed to be subbing today, but had to call in sick. Ben is home not feeling well, too. I feel as if the days fly past without much in them that is meaningful. I hate that. This weekend was jammed full of things to do with Chris and me running hither and yon to various sports activities, church activities, etc. There isn't time for sickness. But today we are here. I played Monopoly with Ben in the middle of laundry. I wish I had God's perspective on time. He says that our days are like grass, here for just a short time. He says that we need to learn to number our days so that we can gain a heart of wisdom. I'm trying!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
September 11
Can you believe it has been 7 years since the attacks on our country? The boys were to wear red, white and blue today to commemorate the day. I asked Sam and Peter this morning if they knew why they were wearing those colors. Sam said it was Memorial Day. Close. Peter related it to a book we are reading about Mary Slessor, a missionary to Africa. Not really. When we were attacked, Peter was 1 1/2 and Sam had just turned 4. They honestly have no recollection. Ben and Fred were both in school then, Ben in kindergarten and Fred in 3rd grade. It was a gorgeous fall day. I was finally going to make the trek up 95 to Sam's Club. I just couldn't get out of the house that morning. I had Peter and Sam buckled in their car seats and had to go back into the house for the 3rd time. The phone rang. I had Sam and Peter get out of the van. Then I had to call Chris at work. When he answered with "Hi" rather than the usual "Examiner Fulton," I wondered. He told me he was fine, which I was glad to hear, but had no idea why he was telling me this. Then he told me to turn on the T.V. I saw the second plane go into the towers. It was surreal and shocking. We talked for some time. He said that he and some of his co-workers were watching it on T.V. Then I heard that a plane was headed to the Pentagon, across the highway from where Chris works. What a day. He could see the smoke from his office. They were sending everyone home for the day. He and some friends went to the apartment of a co-worker who lived nearby to wait for the traffic to ease some. This was before cell phones--in our family anyway. My trip to Sam's was not to be yet again. I remember spending most of the day on the phone with Chris's family and my family. I weeded the flower beds and the sidewalk out back with the radio next to me. Chris did make it home at about 4. I was so thankful and happy to see him. My older boys came home on the bus around then and had no clue. My neighbor worked at the Pentagon. She was fine. My most vivid memory of that time is that everyone wanted to help. Everyone wanted to make a difference in any way they could. People were eager to be asked to sacrifice and give, especially of their time and energies. It was a huge disappointment when the call was for money rather then man-power. I regret that our country missed out on the opportunity to mobilize its citizens for a cause greater than consumerism or selfishness. I know there were many who did help and go, but for the majority, even here, so close to one of the sites, the call was for money. I understand that. You can only organize and equip so many people, but I wonder what our country would look like today had we taken advantage of that desire to be a part of protecting and preserving our country. Praise God for His protection. May He sustain us and have mercy on us all. Where were you on that day?
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Today was an awesome day! I am filled up. The music was good this morning at church, and the sermon on marriage was excellent. Then we had a very powerful testimony. People had written things on cardboard. The front told what they were before they knew Jesus, the back told how they had changed. I cried through the whole thing! I am going to try to embed the video of another church doing this in this blog so that you can see it, but I don't know how successful I will be. A lady that I have gotten to know and love over our summer Bible study was up there with her son, who led her to Christ. His sign said "Invited to church...accepted Christ" Then the back said "Baptized last year....Invited mom to church." Then his mom, who was standing next to him, held up her sign. The front said "Anti-God Mom" and the back said "Will be baptized today!" It was awesome! I really cried for that one. Ben and Fred just looked at me and asked if I was o.k. They were concerned. Then we had a "Taste of Small Groups." It's hard to get people interested in small groups sometimes, so today all of the small groups had tables set up with information, books each is studying this fall, sign up cards, and snacks from the small groups. It was amazing! People were very interested, and many signed up for the first time to be in a small group. Small groups really are the heart of our church and where people get to dig into God's Word and get connected with other people. I'm leading a ladies' group on Friday mornings, and we had several new people sign up today. As if that weren't enough, then we had a great Bible study with the teens. We've been studying the book of Revelation all summer using a Precepts book. They are so excited about what they are learning, and that just energizes me. Then we had our 6th anniversary and baptism picnic at a lake near by. Two of my friends from small group were baptized along with about 14 others. Honestly, it is a piece of heaven. Last year they started having people write their testimonies and read them before baptism, which makes it even more moving. God is so good! And today I am filled with His goodness and with this taste of Heaven. I know that Monday is coming, but I'm still relishing today!
I can't embed this thing, but I will post the link. It's a little work, but it's worth it!
www.godtube.com then in the search put in cardboard testimonies then choose the sixth one down entitled Weekly Top Ten Number One. I'll work on the embedding thing!
I can't embed this thing, but I will post the link. It's a little work, but it's worth it!
www.godtube.com then in the search put in cardboard testimonies then choose the sixth one down entitled Weekly Top Ten Number One. I'll work on the embedding thing!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
A Visit from the Relatives
The trampoline is back! We finally got the parts, so Chris and Fred put it back together. Ashley and Pam loved it!
Norma Gean has a friend who loves roosters.

Cousins having fun together

Sam on his new bike. He's ready for anything---except maybe shifting gears!
Chris's mom and sister and her family came to visit over Labor Day. We haven't been able to make our bi-annual trips south this year because of Fred's sports and school schedules, so we were thankful that they willingly made the trip. Usually when they visit we just hang out here, but we decided to head to the zoo on Saturday. Our niece loves animals and hasn't been to D.C. yet. Poor Ash, she was so sick when we got to the zoo, that they ended up having to go back to the hotel in Fredericksburg instead of seeing the animals. We stayed at the zoo with Norma Gean for a while, and then headed to Fudruckers for burgers then home for peach pie. Sunday we celebrated Sam's birthday since family was here. His real birthday fell on the first day of school. We had such a beautiful day and were able to eat our carrot cake outside. It was a lot of fun. Sam got a new bike for his birthday! He can ride with no hands!
Cousins having fun together
Sam on his new bike. He's ready for anything---except maybe shifting gears!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
And They're Off
Monday, September 1, 2008
A Pleasant Suprise
Saturday morning I went out to the barn to let the chickens out of the coop. As I walked into the barn I was suprised to find this....

This black hen had disappeared about a month ago. We assumed that a fox had gotten her and were waiting for the other chickens to disappear. They never did. We have a hen who has broken away from her oppressive rooster and has become wild. She has been setting on the nest each day, but since she won't let the rooster near her, the eggs aren't going to hatch. At first I thought this was the wild hen, but then Chris checked her spot and she was there! We were all thrilled to find this fluffy little chick following her mamma around the barn. We've had two other chicks hatch over the course of our time with chickens, but they were killed at a young age. We hope this one survives into adulthood, and that it is a hen. We don't need any more roosters!
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