Tuesday, April 27, 2010


A free day stretches before me. What to do? There's so much, but I just don't know where to start, so I'm blogging instead. I think I'm procrastinating. Chris comes home tomorrow. I don't get many days all alone in the house. What to do, what to do? I've done my Bible study--spent a lot of time in the destruction of Babylon. I'm ready for Jesus's return in chapter 19! I've cleaned the kitchen. The imp in me thinks, "Watch a movie." The perfectionist screams, "Clean up this mess." Hmmm. I wonder who will win. Probably the perfectionist. She always wins. I guess it's time to make a decsion. But lunch is in an hour, so I'll have to stop whatever I do then. I think I need to start making lists. That might help. I used to be a list maker, but I've been so busy running that I have stopped. There was never any time to do anything on the list. Perhaps today marks the turning point in our schedule. Maybe my determination to spend more time at home has caught up with my days finally. That would be good. O.K. Time to start whatever it is. I think I'd better set a timer--for motivation. Here goes.......


Jane Henry said...


I may have to make a list,too.
Nice being in the house ALONE!

liz said...

I personally think there's something to be said for stalling. You are probably doing something. Just not quickly or necessarily efficiently. And you are resting, in a way, while you aren't pushing toward something, even if it's just a decision. It's probably healthy and even wise.

At least, this is what I tell myself...

liz said...

Also, about Revelation. I can't quite pinpoint the source of my dissatisfaction with the ending. Here are a couple of thoughts:

We are programmed for an "end", and there isn't one in Revelation, except ones we can't comprehend, like the end of time, the end of the curse, the end of life on this earth. The ending is not what I'm used to, or understand, yet I long for it.

Along those lines, maybe I kind of get the point of Revelation after studying it like this. The point seems to be, "Come, Lord Jesus". This is what the bride (I, as a part of the church) says. So I'm unsatisfied with the wait--I'm begging the groom to come!

Maybe it's because I did not expect to LOVE this book! Not to make it disturbing, but I remember not wanting to start reading the final Harry Potter book, because it would be the end. I felt like putting on the brakes with Revelation, especially the last few chapters, wanting to examine each verse and thought (Jesus is bringing rewards!, the new Jerusalem could be one immense diamond!, etc.). It ended before I was done with it.

Least likely, but possibly playing a small part, is the fact that it was my last year/book as teaching director for CBS. I know I'll miss it, although I also know it's right and God's plan for us. But it may have colored my feelings.

I do know that the conclusion left me wanting more. I'm going to read it again this summer, slowly, savoring the good parts!

Martha said...

Paula, I had to laugh at this post because, unfortunately, all those thoughts go through my mind, too! The problem with making lists for me is that I can't remember where I put them, so I put them in my pocket. Then I forget they're there and I wash them. List gone. Jobs still undone. :)