Sunday, September 7, 2008


Today was an awesome day! I am filled up. The music was good this morning at church, and the sermon on marriage was excellent. Then we had a very powerful testimony. People had written things on cardboard. The front told what they were before they knew Jesus, the back told how they had changed. I cried through the whole thing! I am going to try to embed the video of another church doing this in this blog so that you can see it, but I don't know how successful I will be. A lady that I have gotten to know and love over our summer Bible study was up there with her son, who led her to Christ. His sign said "Invited to church...accepted Christ" Then the back said "Baptized last year....Invited mom to church." Then his mom, who was standing next to him, held up her sign. The front said "Anti-God Mom" and the back said "Will be baptized today!" It was awesome! I really cried for that one. Ben and Fred just looked at me and asked if I was o.k. They were concerned. Then we had a "Taste of Small Groups." It's hard to get people interested in small groups sometimes, so today all of the small groups had tables set up with information, books each is studying this fall, sign up cards, and snacks from the small groups. It was amazing! People were very interested, and many signed up for the first time to be in a small group. Small groups really are the heart of our church and where people get to dig into God's Word and get connected with other people. I'm leading a ladies' group on Friday mornings, and we had several new people sign up today. As if that weren't enough, then we had a great Bible study with the teens. We've been studying the book of Revelation all summer using a Precepts book. They are so excited about what they are learning, and that just energizes me. Then we had our 6th anniversary and baptism picnic at a lake near by. Two of my friends from small group were baptized along with about 14 others. Honestly, it is a piece of heaven. Last year they started having people write their testimonies and read them before baptism, which makes it even more moving. God is so good! And today I am filled with His goodness and with this taste of Heaven. I know that Monday is coming, but I'm still relishing today!

I can't embed this thing, but I will post the link. It's a little work, but it's worth it! then in the search put in cardboard testimonies then choose the sixth one down entitled Weekly Top Ten Number One. I'll work on the embedding thing!

1 comment:

liz said...

WOW what an incredible video! Thanks for sharing it-- and your day!