Friday, January 7, 2011

Christmas Memories

I thought I would share some of our Christmas even though that was AGES ago.  We spent it at home together and then joined our good friends for dessert and drama later in the day.  It was a good day for all, and the last healthy day of 2010 for our family.  It's been a loooonnnnnggg couple of weeks since Christmas!

I'm sporting a new look for 2011 just to change things up a bit.

 The fuzzy hat made big splash this year.  Apparently it's very warm. 

Ben gives the victory pose as Peter opens something that doesn't resemble apparel.

 Another edition of the fuzzy hat.  This one is checkered red and black to match his coat.

This would be the mood when these two realized that, yes, most of the boxes are shaped like clothing boxes.  The excitement has waned considerably.  Maybe opening gifts is just too much work. Sigh.

Sam also is sporting a new look for 2011.  Think Clouseau.

 One of the non-clothing gifts for this year was a new trampoline from Aunt Pam and Grandma Fulton.  Our old one has 'done been wore out!'  It has also been thrown over the shed and mangled by a tree, reformed and repaired, and the netting has been fixed on a bi-weekly basis for the past 7 months.  It has gotten much lovin, which is why we decided that this would make a good, useful gift for Christmas.  It was very cold on Christmas morning, but the boys and Chris decided that they needed to put that puppy together.  Good thing they all got hats (except poor Chris--maybe we can find one).

 See the looks of concentration as Ben and Fred lift those bars and totes those barrels.

 Boris is supervising from her perch on the new net. (Yes, I realize Boris is not a female name--it's a long story).

 It's almost done!  It's funny that Sam is in most of these pictures, because he didn't really help much at all.  He was there for support when they needed extra hands, but many times he escaped for a trounce on the old trampoline.  He was acting more in the role of supervisor.   Fred, Ben and Chris did the lion's share of the work.

So that was our pretty uneventful and happy Christmas morning.  Maybe I'll post about New Year's before February.  That would be something, now wouldn't it? 


"precious grandma" said...

It looks like so much fun! And I really do like your "new" look. It's so nice to see a family enjoying the season and each other. Love all you guys.

Gram said...

I enjoyed your blog very much, but I didn't know that the "in thing" was the "Clouseau" look. I think Sam's beat yours. I am sure they really enjoyed the new trampoline and have probably been on it quite a few times. Glad that everyone is well and are back in school.

Hope everyone stays well for a long time. Our family did go through a few viruses before and after New Years!

liz said...

LOVE all the pictures!