Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Samson in 1990
Samson died yesterday at 5:40. He has been my kitty for almost 19 years. It was heart-breaking to watch him these last few days. I'm thankful that I was there with him at the end. He would mew and mew, and I would pet him and he would calm down. I'm not sure how conscious he was throughout, but he knew that I was there. I know it's only a cat--a dime a dozen--and I don't mean to compare his life to a human being's, but these things do make you think about life and death. The boys were moved some, but more interested than emotional. I can tell now that when I die, they probably won't cry! As we went on with our evening activities, I kept thinking about death--how the sting of death is gone for believers because Jesus defeated it by rising from the dead. And also how death doesn't have the victory for us anymore because we know that life continues perfectly in Heaven forever. I also had time to ruminate on the cycle of life. Yes, I was sad that Samson died, but I wouldn't wish him back. He had lived a long, relatively good life for a cat. Death is part of life here on this planet. It makes me long for home, though, where death doesn't have a place---ever.


Anonymous said...

Oh, Paula, my heart goes out to you. One nice thing about death...though the object (person, animal, etc.) may be gone, the memories will last and keep bringing joy, thankflness, etc.
Have a good week.

liz said...

Samson was a great cat! I will pray for the hurt I know is in your heart. And--your boys will cry for you.

Anonymous said...


We have all cried for our precious pets when they die! They are a part of our lives and we do miss them and have great memories of them.

Your boys may not have reacted right then, but I am sure that they were upset.

Love, Mom