Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year!

I love New Year and the expectancy that it brings. (There's that word again). I know that many don't like this time of year, but it has always brought me excitement and a sense of purpose. At New Year's I can believe that I will be able to keep up with my exercise routine, be purposeful in my relationships, clean and refresh my home, and on and on. I don't suffer the discouragement of goals not met and promises to myself not kept. Those disappear on January 1st. The slate is wiped clean. Realistically, I know that I could do this in October or June as well, but it just doesn't feel the same. And, realistically, I have God's new mercies every morning to start again, according to the Bible. There's just something about January 1st that makes it all seem possible. So what are your resolutions or goals for this new year? I will be turning 40 this year, so I would like to make this a year that counts! I want to finally get "buff," at least in some kind of aerobic shape. I'd like to go on a mission trip somewhere. I want to memorize some significant part of the Bible. I'd like to maybe go on a retreat with God. I'd like to read the Bible to my kids at least 5 days a week. I have found that if my goals aren't specific then it's too easy to fudge, so I need to refine these into measurable goals. But this is a good place to start. I'll keep you posted on how I'm doing. You are keeping me accountable,which makes goals oh so much easier to keep.


heidiannie said...

This is what I love about the body of Christ- we keep each other accountable with love! And we cheer each other on to good works! You have a great list there, Paula! I read from The Word, the Bible in novel form by Walter Wangerin to my youngest son each day before he went to school! It is still one of my fondest memories.

liz said...

This year I want to teach myself to stand up straighter. I also want to enjoy some part of each day. I want to apologize more (for the things I am really sorry for, that I tend not to confess to, not the "sorry" I use to get people off my back...). I want to become more aware of God's voice (not real concrete, but I know if I listen I'll hear Him). Thanks for asking! Let's be sure to check in with each other!

Martha said...

Thanks for posting your goals, Paula. It's interesting to see where we all feel we need improvement or advancement or maybe a better word is maturity. :)

I want to reference my relationship with Christ in more conversations with those who do not yet believe, not in an annoying or pushy way, but in a natural and comfortable way. I want to use words to encourage my husband more. I want to keep my kitchen island cleaned off at night so that I wake up to a clean counter top! I want to contribute more financially to our family's finances. I want to take more time to be still in the presence of God. Those are just a few. I know I have many more areas that I can mature in! :)