Saturday, February 14, 2009

Peter and Sam both received awards this week at school. Sam got the academic achievement award and the A/B honor roll award. Peter got the outstanding bobcat award. It's fun to go and see them receive awards at the school. Note the shorts on both of my children. They are pushing spring a bit. Anytime the temperature is above 60, it's shorts weather for them.
Fred finished basketball season with a bang. His last two games, possibly ever, were the best he has played. He went right into baseball conditioning the next day. It will be so helpful when he drives.
It's been another busy week here. My back had issues on the day of the awards. I had two meetings that day, and I guess my back didn't like that. The next day was spent resting and sitting instead of grocery shopping. God wanted me to spend some down time working on Good Friday Services, I think. My Bible study had a brunch on Friday, and my back was better so I got to go. I love those women. We are starting the book of John. I need some Jesus right now! Then I helped with Sam's last Valentine's Day party (Yeah!). Since when does sending Valentine's include oodles of candy from everyone in the class. The daughter of a DENTIST in Peter's class brought everyone a bag of candy and a heart with 4 pieces of chocolate! I thought Valentine's Day was for celebrating with the ones you love. Can you feel my "Too much candy" rant? Thankfully we only have 2 more Valentine's Days in elementary school. Maybe then I can start getting things for my children for Valentine's Day. Our best Valentine's Day was the 2 years ago when we were snowed in for the week and there was no school. We all had a fantastic time and I could splurge on treats for them since they hadn't already been sugared up from school. Have a great Valentine's Day.


Anonymous said...


It is really great to watch your children receive awards! Glad that are dong so GREAT.

You said that Fred played his last two games, possibly ever. Did you mean that he might not play basketball next year. I can't believe that. It was really great that he had several great games this season.

Phil and all the guys up at U. of Toledo would put shorts on as soon as the temperature got above 32. I think everyones' kees froze.

Hope that the kids all didn't come home with "A sugar high", but I bet they did. Yes, I think that the parents in the classrooms just hand out too much candy. I bet the dentist wanted more business.



liz said...

I love awards ceremonies. When all that effort is spent, someone needs to say, "Good job." (An official piece of paper helps, too.)

Taylor has worn shorts to school almost every day this year--even the days it was 0 degrees! He did take a pair of pants in his car in case he went in a ditch or something.