Tuesday, February 3, 2009

More snow

The face of a boy who just found out that school is only delayed 2 hours and not closed!
It was a different kind of week last week. Amid finals and mid-terms and early outs and no school days, we had a snow storm. The boys were home more than they were at school last week, and that meant a different kind of week for me including no free time! We have more snow today, but there is only a two hour delay this morning. It was so nice to go back to bed and sleep until 7:30! Although somewhat disappointed that it's not cancelled completely, the boys are ready to catch the bus. After our snow last week, it all froze. Above is a picture of the front ice rink before school. The sun finally returned and melted some of the ice, but we have had ice until yesterday. Then we got another little snow last night. It is February afterall. But oh those 60 degree days were so wonderful! Sunday and Monday were both warm. I walked through downtown Fredericksburg while waiting for Sam to finish guitar lessons. It was beautiful. I'm very thankful for Virginia weather!


liz said...

Poor Pete! What an appropriate expression.

LindaSue said...

ya really should move up here. Many more snow days. AND two hour delays. Although even with wind chill warnings today (-30), there wasn't a school delay, so....maybe you don't want to move up here.

heidiannie said...

A two hour delay is better than nothing...but when it comes to school, maybe not! I like Virginia weather,too, but more in the Delmarva area.

Anonymous said...

Why won't the snow go away? I'm lonesome for some spring flowers!