Saturday, November 5, 2011


 Living in the east is a blessing.   I don't know how I'd handle living in a place where fall looked just like summer.  God has an amazing sense of color.  Of course, since He is the one who created color that makes sense. 
 Many times I'm just too busy running to notice the beauty around me, and yet there it is.
 If I would take time to look--to say thank You--I'm sure my days would be more meaningful.
 I love how they all go together.  Since when can you put yellow and orange and red together unless you are talking football teams?  But God does it so skillfully.  It looks perfect.
 This tree took my breath away the other day.  The picture doesn't do it justice.  I drive past this tree at least twice a day, and most days 4 or more times.  But as i looked up on my way to the middle school, it jumped at me.  The color is so brilliant.  I love the reds!
This was the scene out my window as I prayed the other morning.  Amazing colors!

1 comment:

Jane Henry said...


BEAUTIFUL COLORS! I need to look at nature a lot more and enjoy the very things that are around me and that God put there for me to enjoy!!!