Tuesday, November 22, 2011


 YACTS is a drama troupe in our community for students in 6th to 12th grade.  Sam has participated for 2 years, and this was Peter's first.  This shot was taken after their successful Saturday night performance of the musical "Flat Stanley, Jr." 
 They practiced, sang and danced their way to a successful play.  Sam played Dr. Dan, a confused physician, and the Sneak Thief, stealing paintings from the Lourve.  Peter was the French guard at the museum who caught that thief.  Their good friend Benjamin played Stanley's brother Aurthur and did an amazing job singing his solo.
Sam loves to act and to make people laugh.  He did that very well last weekend.  Peter donned his best Cleuseau accent and chased Sam down.  It was such fun to see them get to use their talents to entertain.  I'm so proud of both of them!

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