Wednesday, November 9, 2011


 We had the privilege of hosting a passel of kids this summer to play kickball, ghost in the graveyard, and manhunt.  Manhunt, as described by one of the young ladies, is "hide and seek on steroids in the dark."  Sounds fun, doesn't it? 
 You'll note the proliferation of black.  These are the seasoned man-hunters.  They understand the goal--to disappear into the dark. 
 Since my children were young, I have prayed that our home would be a place where their friends come and play and feel welcomed and loved.  God has answered at least part of that prayer.  This summer we had a lot of friends here regularly.  I hope that they felt welcomed and loved! 
 Each time there was a different group, different dynamics.  From 6th graders to college freshman played together into the night (sometimes long into the night).   They would sit with us around the fire and share their lives with us and with each other. 
 There were many laughs and lots of running.  Only a couple went into the pond.  Only a few got hurt, but not badly enough to keep them from playing again. 
 What a blessing and what fun to be a part of the excitement of manhunt!  I'm blessed by knowing these guys! 

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