Monday, August 18, 2008

Friends from Afar

Angelina, Peter and Eleanor taking a break from running
The Price's and the Fulton's

Our friends, James and Polly, and their 2 girls stayed overnight with us Saturday. We went to church with them in Maryland and enjoyed their friendship. They invited us over for dinner, even with two small children, when they didn't have any. They even drove here with us and helped us move in when we left Maryland in 1999. Later that year, they moved to France. They live in Marseilles and work their. They come home about every two years, and in spite of the demands on their time, were able to make it down to visit. It had been a hard week with most of my days spent at the hospital with my dad, and I spent Saturday afternoon worrying about getting things done for our company. The day was so beautiful that we ate outside. I could just feel the stress fall away as we caught up with our dear friends about all that God is doing in their lives. Peter hit it off immediately with Angelina (7) and Eleanor (5). They played all night and then again all day Sunday. The girls didn't want to leave when it was time for them to go, and we didn't want them to leave either. Eleanor, with her red-haired braids and jeans, looked like she belonged on a farm! Despite my stress and worry about the visit, I'm so glad that we could spend time with them. It was such a blessing. And yes, it is nice to not have anything to do today as well!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello all,

So glad that you were able to visit with your friends from France
and were able to relax and have time instead of running into the hospital to see dad.

We are glad to be home! I have moved some things from the upstairs kitchen to down here, so it will be easier. Dad doesn't want to go upstairs to eat.

Glad that your kebobs worked out so well.

Love, Mom and Dad