Sunday, November 30, 2008

Class Reunion

We had such a good time at my class reunion (at least I did!). It was so fun to see so many people that I went to school with. Two of my best girl friends (above) came from Tennessee and Albuquerque to be there. I met Sherry for appetizers before and got to catch up on her children and her life. People are sometimes hesitant to go to class reunions, but once we were all there, there was no getting us to be quiet and listen for instructions. It was so funny watching people trying to take charge for games, dinner, pictures. We just laughed and talked all evening. One of my classmates took pictures all evening and was going to burn discs of the pictures to give us. She realized later that she couldn't get them all done before the evening was over, so I'm waiting anxiously for that disc. I stopped taking pictures thinking I'd have them all on disc later. Oh well, at least I have the memories. I'm sure Jen will get all of the discs burned and mailed. I went to a small school, only about 145 in my class, and most of us had been there all of our lives. We grew up together. We were in each other's business all of the time. We went to church together, we played together, we worked together. It's amazing to me that the people with whom we spend just 12 short years of our lives can have such a lasting impact on us. I have been married for 19 years, longer than I knew most of those people, but I still want to see them, to know them. I guess those formative years always stay with you. I'm very thankful that I went to my 20 year class reunion. I hope there's another one soon!
I'm also thankful that my parents survived staying here with the boys.

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