Sunday, November 9, 2008


I'm thankful for ...
the good conversation I had with my husband at lunch today.
God's heart of love toward me even when I am not lovable.
Enough food in the pantry to feed 4 growing boys.

I am in a rut about food. Sometimes I don't have enough days to make all of the recipes I'd like to try. Then there are times like these, when it seems like we have the same thing all of the time. The boys have the same thing in their lunches. I don't know what else to get. I'm working hard to stay in my food budget, but they keep eating! I get so frustrated sometimes with all of that. Today while I contemplated my rut and what we would have for lunch and dinner, I thought of an e-mail I received from a friend the other day. She asked us to pray for the families of two women in their Bible study. They are in Kenya in a camp where they are starving to death. There is no food. None. They are praying that God will rain down food from Heaven. Time for a perspective check. Even though sandwiches rule the day, there is food. And if there isn't, I can go to Bloom, just 15 minutes away, and buy more. Thank you, God for food, and forgive me for my myopic point of view.


Anonymous said...


We are really blessed here in this country that we have enough food to eat, and warm clothes and a nice house to live in. We often forget about the people in other countries that are starving and their wants are many.

We all should pray that other countries will be able to get more relief for their people.

Martha said...

Thanks for this reminder, Paula. Wow. We can get so self-absorbed sometimes, can't we? I'll be thankful for my "rutty" food, too, as I pray for your friend's friends' families.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Pula, I truly believe every mom goes through the same feelings you so aptly wrote about. It's humbling when we know others have little or nothing to eat, and we complain about our "rut". Thank God for the reminders. And He does promise to supply all our needs...not necessarily all our wants. I really enjoy your blogs! I learn a lot from you!

liz said...

I'm with you--including on the "they eat so much" path.