Friday, November 7, 2008

I'm thankful that after days of clouds the sun has come out this morning. Each year God faithfully changes the seasons, and they will continue until time is no more because of His promise. The bright fall days are so beautiful. I'm also thankful for God's timing. I'm not always thankful when I'm waiting for Him or His time, but when it happens in exactly the time that it should, I am thankful!
Today is Ladies Bible study. I have the privilege of leading a group of women who come together each week to dig into God's Word and apply the Truth to their lives. I'm so thankful for their enthusiasm, their encouragement, and their willingness to do the work and to show themselves approved by studying and knowing the Word of God. There are women who have been Christians for 40 years and women who recently made that commitment. It's such a wonderful time to share. There really isn't anything like being in a women's Bible study. I'm thankful that God opened the door for me to be a part of this group.


liz said...

Beautiful pictures, Paula!

Martha said...

Wow, Paula!! How beautiful!! Thanks for sharing these!